Preliminary Agenda-V1 ( The final one is developing and will come late )
3rd Digital Shipping Innovation Shanghai Int’l Conference 2024 ( DSISIC)
in conjunction with Green Shipping and Smart Ship Industry Development Shanghai Forum 2024
Time: June 27-28, 2024 Place: Shanghai
3rd Digital Shiping Innovation Shanghai Conference 2024
Day 1 June 27 , 2024 ( Thursday )
8:30-9:00 Registration and tour around the small-sized booths
9:00-9:05 Welcome address
9:05-11:00 Keynote speech
How digitalization & AI will shape the maritime industry ?
Shipping industry updates: what is experiencing and expected in global market?
What could the new tech change the shipping & shipbuilding landscape ?
Going smarter and greener for shipping & shipbuilding landscape
How financial tools will boost the industry development ?
Panel discussion: how to better plan the disruptive future ?
11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break
11:20-12:30 Session A: digital transformation
Ship owners and operators’ perspective
Shipbuilders’ perspective
Solution providers’ perspective
How to narrow the digital divide gap and win in the digital world
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Session B: Embracing the new technology
Global intelligent technology development in shipping
How smart devices work effectively
Roadmap to smart application
Industry chain’s key planning & ecosystem’s synergy
15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00-17:30 Session C: Outlook on intelligent shipping industry
Global landscale: status and lessons
Opportunities for ecosystem development
Sharpen the cutting edge by the intelligent tools
Surviving in the big data era
new strategy, application and challenges
18:00-20:00 Dinner (To be confirmed depending on the possible sponsorship )
Day 2 June 28, 2024 ( Friday )
8:30-9:00 Registration and tour around the small-sized booths
9:00-9:05 Welcome address
9:05-11:00 Session D: new technologies and applications
Current technologies’ new achievements
Upgrading ERP, PLM, CRM,OA, e-bill,data exchange
Empower the business development
11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break
11:20-12:30 Session E: Case study
From IT to DT
What’s next in shipping Innovation
New regulations & rules
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Session F: China’s market segment
Building and operation of smart ship in China
Pilot projects in shipping and shipbuilding
Autonomous technology and practices
New computing and infrastructure
Cyber security
15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00-17:30 Session G: Clouding application
Spotlight on smart ships–smart Processes
Cloud based remote health monitor and assessments
New computing and infrastructure
The above topics and this agenda is preliminary and will be subject to change on site.
Selected pictures for the past held events as below:
还有少量参会坐席,会议咨询报名 或者
Agenda on Digital Shiping Shanghai Conference 2023
Preliminary Agenda-V1 ( The final one is developing and will come late )
Digital Shiping Innovation Shanghai Conference 2023
in conjunction with Green Smart Ship and Port Industry Development Shanghai Forum 2023
Time: Sept. 21-22, 2023 Place: Shanghai
Day 1 Sept. 21, 2023 ( Thursday )
8:30-9:00 Registration and tour around the small-sized booths
9:00-9:05 Welcome address
9:05-11:00 Keynote speech
How digitalization will impact the maritime industry ?
ship industry updates: what is experiencing and expected in global market?
What could the AI tech change the landscape ?
Going smarter and greener
How financial tools will boost the industry development ?
Industry chain’s key planning & investment
11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break
11:20-12:30 Session A: digital transformation
Ship owners’ perspective
Shipbuilders’ perspective
Solution providers’ perspective
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Session B: Embracing the new technology
Global chatGDT development and trends
How AI as a catalyst for the industry innovation
Winning in the digital world
Panel discussion: how to better plan the disruptive future ?
15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00-17:30 Session C: Outlook on intelligent shipping industry
global landscale: Status and lessons
Roadmap to smart application
Surviving in the big data era
Suppliers strategy, application and challenges
18:00-20:00 Dinner (To be confirmed depending on the possible sponsorship )
Day 2 Sept. 22 , 2023 ( Friday )
8:30-9:00 Registration and tour around the small-sized booths
9:00-9:05 Welcome address
9:05-11:00 Session D: new technologies and applications
Current technologies’ new achievements
How to overcome the challenges
11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break
11:20-12:30 Session E: Case study
From IT to DT
What’s next in shipping Innovation
New regulations & rules
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Session F: China’s market segment
Building and operation of smart ship in China
Cyber security
15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00-17:30 Session G: Clouding application
Spotlight on smart ships–smart Processes
Cloud based remote health monitor and assessments
Integration of various renewable forms of energy storage (batteries, hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and others) and power generation systems (batteries, fuel cells and internal combustion engines).
The above topics and this agenda is preliminary and will be subject to change on site.
Selected pictures for the past held events as below: